Feel Kneaded Massage & Feel Connected Reiki

All About Reiki

Reiki Training


Reiki is a Japanese technique used to aide in stress reduction and relaxation to promote healing. Also called “laying on hands”, Reiki is a very simple technique that is easy to learn and is already within us. Reiki is a special kind of "Ki" that is guided by spiritual consciousness.

Reiki is different from almost all other healing modalities. It’s actually transferred to each student from a Reiki master during what is called an attunement process. This process is said to open the crown, heart, and palm chakras and creates a unique connection between the student and the teacher. Once you have received a Reiki attunement, you will have Reiki for the remainder of your life. It does not "wear off" and you can never lose it.


Reiki I Training

Learn how to unlock your incredible gift of hands-on healing that is already inside of you! Receive powerful information and tools to begin facilitating your own healing. Rediscover you. Refill your cup.

Reiki is a powerful form of energy healing that is gentle and non-invasive. Reiki greatly accelerates the body’s innate healing abilities, creates emotional peace, calms the mind, strengthens the immune system, relieves pain, promotes relaxation, releases stress, creates balance and harmony, clears toxins, opens the heart, treats both symptoms and causes of illness, reconnects us to our spiritual nature, and much more.

Reiki welcomes all religions and belief systems. While Reiki can enhance your connection to your Divine, it is not governed or created from anything other than LOVE!

Reiki complements all other forms of healing!


Reiki II Training

Deepen your relationship with the incredible energy of Reiki a little further. Receive powerful information and tools to help others facilitate their own healing! Learn tips and tools to becoming a Reiki Practioner! Strengthen your connection to self, your own spirituality and to ancient energy of Reiki!



Reiki III Master Training

Take your practice to the next level! Deeply enhance your connection to the ancient energy of Reiki! Fill up your tool box with amazing tools, like pendulums. Learn how to connect with your Spirit Guides. AND SOOOO MUCH MORE! 



2024 Class Dates

Reiki I Training - August 10th

Reiki II Training - October 19th

Reiki III Master Training - December 14th


Are you feeling the call?

Reiki I Training - $143

Reiki II Training - $143

Reiki III Master Training - $260

Reiki I Training & Reiki II Training Combo Discount-$242

Reiki II Training & Reiki III Master Training Combo Discount - $359

Reiki I Training, Reiki II Training, & Reiki III Master Training Combo Discount - $484

Reiki Master/Teacher Training-- Please contact me.



Once your payment has been paid in full you will receive a welcome letter within a couple of days!




Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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